
keyocs is an all-in-one coupon and group-buy platform

Use of latest technologies to secure, authenticate and manage coupons that benefit you in many ways including coupon transfer and resale, sharing via your social media channels, chatting with merchants for the best coupon and group-buy offers.

keyocs is an integrated coupon and group-buy platform of mobile app in Hong Kong for customers to enjoy the full benefits with much elevated user experience, and the highest level of convenience and connectedness.

Digital Coupon and Group-Buy

Improving Return

Easy to Sell

Cross Selling and Promotion

Our Advantages

Regular Analysis Reports

Analyze the sources and interests of customers, allowing you to grasp customer trends faster

Customer Management

Let you contact your customers in a timely and efficient manner

Coupon Transfer and Resale

Transfer or resale your extra coupon


Creating more sales every time you share the coupon or group-buy link. You will have rewards in return.

No Contract Required

After you join the platform, you can leave at any time

Buy Coupon and Join Group-Buy

Purchase coupon for your own enjoyment and join group-buy

Merchant Points Redemption Program

Merchant points can be used to redeem product or service

Rating and Review

Customers can choose merchants from the rating scores

Chat Function

On our platform, you can also contact the merchant directly

Buy coupon or join group-buy process

Download the App
Register as user
Search the merchant, coupon or group-buy
Buy coupon or join group-buy

Download the App

Register as user

Search the merchant, coupon or group-buy

Buy coupon or join group-buy

Our Coupon and Group-buy Services

Our App provides a very convenient and practical way of coupon and group-buy services. This service not only allows you to enjoy discounts, but also online transfer coupons with your friends to enjoy as a gift, increasing the fun of shopping, or online resell your coupon. You can easily share coupon links through the App, or go to offline stores to use coupons for consumption. This not only helps you save money, but also allows you to experience more different offline shopping experiences.

What is KOC

KOC (Key Opinion Consumer) refers to enthusiastically recommending products or services to people around you after experiencing them. She/He has the advantage of being both a consumer and a propagandist. She/He can share her/his views or recommendations among friends and relatives, attracting interested parties. People pay attention and use hashtags to mark products and mention respective fan pages so that brands can have better exposure. Therefore, the loyalty and interaction of fans will be stronger than that of KOL, which is the best channel for word-of-mouth marketing.

How to become our KOC

When you share any coupon or group-buy link with your friends or relatives via social media platform, you become KOC of that merchant.

Register as user
Become KOC
Share a link with friends or relatives
Friends or relatives purchase product or service

Register as user

Become KOC

Share a link with friends or relatives

Friends or relatives purchase product or service

The Benefits of Becoming KOC

Each coupon or group-buy has an exclusive link. When you share it with relatives and friends, if they use this link to spend in keyocs, you can get points or rebates.

How to get platform information

If you want to continue to receive preferential information from my merchant and keyocs platform in the future, please register now. We will distribute it in the form of email, and you can subscribe for the discount offer by simply inputting the information.

Safe and reliable security system

In today's digital age, App security is particularly important. Our App employs multiple layers of security measures to ensure that users' personal and sensitive information is protected. First of all, we use the latest encryption technology to protect the transmission and storage of user data. Second, we regularly conduct security testing and bug fixes to prevent any security breaches from appearing. Finally, our App has strict permission control, and only authorized users can access sensitive information. Together, these measures protect users' data and privacy, making our App a safe and trustworthy platform.

Download our mobile App now

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will reply as soon as possible.

Contact Us (Become KOC)

聯絡我們 (成為 KOC)

Contact Us 聯絡我們 (For KOC)

"*" indicates required fields

Contact Us (For Merchants)

聯絡我們 (商戶)

Contact Us (For Merchants) 聯絡我們 (商戶)

"*" indicates required fields

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